Thursday, October 28, 2010


I use a concept of ‘design’, and idea of festival to present my calendar design. Festival are always what we waiting for in our busy, repeat life. It remind us the meaning of happy, celebrity, gathering, sastisfy, also to take a rest. The envelope design of each page is idealy for user to keep their important document, or even a piece of paper with memory.

January : You are the designer of your own life.
Chinese new year also called spring festival. For day planning start from the morning, and year planning begin at spring time. It is another starting year, what plan do you have?

Paint me a picture, oh artist. Paint me a picture. I can call my own A picture with life, with spirit, with hope, with love, with ambition, with dreams, with life. I'd be happy to claim as my own.     -from Selena Rose

February : Design our hearts with love.
I'll paint for you a work of art, no brush or paint will do. I'll use a rainbow from the sky to make the love shine through. - from C.J. Heck

March : Women design half of the world
A wonderful woman is proud. She respects herself and others. She is aware of who she is. - from Pam Fraser

April : Culture design our society
In some places, people are working hard to protect their own culture. 1st of April is to remember the revolution of chinese education in Perak, Malaysia.
The world is full if colors, all kinds beneath the sun. The colors make us beautiful, but it's love that make use one. There are colors, black, red, white, and brown, That make our different complexions. - from Bobbie Teague

May : The Mother is the designer of a baby
Mother is an important designer in our life, she designs what we eat, play and wear when we are still a baby.
A doctor who cures with a single band-aid. Designer of toys. Teacher of fill every need of sister or brother - from Arthur Richards

June : The father designs our family
Father always works hard, seldom takes and design the whole family. He provides for us financially and gives us a safe environment.
A Fathers love is faith in his family. High hopes and dreams, and pleasure in doing "What ever it takes"... -from Carmen Strawn

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