Sunday, February 20, 2011

a little memory in NZ trip

纽西兰广大天空下的小土地。 人口稀少,自然的,市场的需求不大。 有时在想,是供过于求? 或者是因为生活在纽国的人对生活的态度和要求吧。 在系统的上还有许多磨合,和进步的空间! 对老板来说,人工贵极了;但是对打工的我,却又似乎只有那么一点 感受到:美术,广告和宣传原来和人口,还有人类生活态度那么的接近。 人,文,人文。 文,也还靠经济的支柱。 息息相关 加油,文化人。加油设计师!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Piece of green

Take a break, then go on!!!

Little trips are always help to release our pressure in busy, cumbersome life, isn't it?
Step on green, and keep dreaming^^ Life is still going on!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Travel around, especially at the country which are in the dream... I'm not sure whether I have the opportunity to come back. Therefore, even a small piece of paper, or tickets become my collections.

What, about the real life? Is the Bills. When a bill come on hands, we awake. No matter how beautiful of the dreams. Inseparable, bills describe our life, regardless of pain and joy. What I hold, wasted, or created....

I draw my own story, on the story ever happened. My life is my journey. No matter where, it was lovely when I enjoying it...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Earrings Illustration

Busy wandering, habitat bird.

Days in a hurry, it is inevitable that we will be tired. Unlike the green old years, when looking around to this modern world, besides the oppression of the high-rise, that is, cars flash of smoke and dust.

The only relaxing, is a beautiful women through it when we are having cups of coffee. I guest...
So then, big earrings & high-heels, into everyone' eyes to follow.A little warm of village flavor make eyes a little consolation when you are tired... I hope.....


I use a concept of ‘design’, and idea of festival to present my calendar design. Festival are always what we waiting for in our busy, repeat life. It remind us the meaning of happy, celebrity, gathering, sastisfy, also to take a rest. The envelope design of each page is idealy for user to keep their important document, or even a piece of paper with memory.

January : You are the designer of your own life.
Chinese new year also called spring festival. For day planning start from the morning, and year planning begin at spring time. It is another starting year, what plan do you have?

Paint me a picture, oh artist. Paint me a picture. I can call my own A picture with life, with spirit, with hope, with love, with ambition, with dreams, with life. I'd be happy to claim as my own.     -from Selena Rose

February : Design our hearts with love.
I'll paint for you a work of art, no brush or paint will do. I'll use a rainbow from the sky to make the love shine through. - from C.J. Heck

March : Women design half of the world
A wonderful woman is proud. She respects herself and others. She is aware of who she is. - from Pam Fraser

April : Culture design our society
In some places, people are working hard to protect their own culture. 1st of April is to remember the revolution of chinese education in Perak, Malaysia.
The world is full if colors, all kinds beneath the sun. The colors make us beautiful, but it's love that make use one. There are colors, black, red, white, and brown, That make our different complexions. - from Bobbie Teague

May : The Mother is the designer of a baby
Mother is an important designer in our life, she designs what we eat, play and wear when we are still a baby.
A doctor who cures with a single band-aid. Designer of toys. Teacher of fill every need of sister or brother - from Arthur Richards

June : The father designs our family
Father always works hard, seldom takes and design the whole family. He provides for us financially and gives us a safe environment.
A Fathers love is faith in his family. High hopes and dreams, and pleasure in doing "What ever it takes"... -from Carmen Strawn

A day in the life : Spoon

A phrase in Chinese is call "民以食为天". The meaning is similar to Hunger breeds discontent. When my first start of my degree course, I was request to choose an object to further my project. So then,  i choose a spoon. 

Story Board about spoon

The reason i choose a spoon is because of home sick, I miss food in my hometown. But, to study aboard is always my dream when I was young. I hope, the spoon can be more useful, more exciting, more charming presentation beside holding food. To play with it, to have fun, also to have different presentation point is my aim.

About spoon
What a spoon can use to be, how about when it scale up or down? Holding food, planting, mirror, a sign board, or even a candle light is what i could thinks. 

Packaging for spoon
When will we buy a normal spoon since every family have full set of utensil for dinning? I use an idea of lollipop, hope to attract the young generation especially for kids.